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Section: New Results

Uncertainty Estimation and Exploitation in Speech Processing

Participants : Irène Illina, Denis Jouvet, Emmanuel Vincent, Yassine Boudi, Baldwin Dumortier, Elodie Gauthier, Mathieu Hu, Lou Lee, Anne-Laure Piat-Marchand.

Uncertainty and acoustic modeling

Uncertainty in noise-robust speech and speaker recognition

In many real-world conditions, the target speech signal overlaps with noise and some distortion remains after speech enhancement. The framework of uncertainty decoding assumes that this distortion has a Gaussian distribution and seeks to estimate its covariance matrix and propagate it through the acoustic model for robust ASR [4]. We introduced new Gaussian mixture model-derived (GMMD) uncertainty features for robust DNN-based acoustic model training and decoding, which are computed as the difference between the closed-form GMM log-likelihoods obtained with vs. without uncertainty. We concatenated the GMMD features with conventional acoustic features and showed that they improve ASR performance on both the CHiME-2 and CHiME-3 datasets [15].

Uncertainty in other applications

Besides the above application, we finalized our exploration of uncertainty modeling for wind turbine control. Baldwin Dumortier defended his PhD thesis on this topic [9].

Uncertainty and phonetic segmentation

In the METAL project, experiments are planned to investigate further the use of speech technologies for foreign language learning in middle and high schools. Besides adapting acoustic models to teenager voices, current work investigates the reliability of speech technologies for analyzing student pronunciations, and for detecting miss-pronunciations. Also, besides making the pronunciation diagnostics more reliable, the aim is to elaborate robust strategies that will make it possible to handle sets of unreliable individual results, and still be able to provide a relevant feedback on recurrent miss-pronunciations.

Uncertainty and prosody

The analysis of prosodic correlates of discourse particles has continued. Some additional data has been annotated. The automatic word and phonetic segmentation of the discourse particles has been manually checked and corrected when necessary. Once more, this has shown that automatic segmentation is not perfect, especially on spontaneous speech recording in real conditions. For each discourse particle, prosodic characteristics of occurrences of each pragmatic function (conclusive, introductive, etc.) were automatically extracted. For each discourse particle and each pragmatic function, the most frequent F0 patterns were retained as the representative forms. Results show that a pragmatic function, common to several discourse particles, gives rise to a uniform prosodic marking [34].